Happy Father's Day!

We leased a car; we were car-free in NYC for close to 10 years; I feel like an adult now.

And, of course, our first trip was to visit the cutting garden.  Everything is looking so healthy and remember the dahlias that I planted two weeks ago?  They're sprouting like crazy.  I was a bit nervous about them since the tubers started sprouting two months before I could plant them.  But they look good.  So good.

dahlia beds freshly covered with peat moss
one of my favorite dahlias of all -- the 'cafe au lait' dahlia
really pretty double variety
the beds

I was also able to put together a country-inspired nosegay to bring back to the city.

lady's mantle, spirea, scabiosa, veronica, coral bells and foliage 

No trip to Western MA would be complete without a little wildlife.

The birdies:

gold finches
cardinal (his girlfriend is never too far behind)
blue jay -- the bully of the bunch

wild turkey.  not from this weekend, but last year.  it's standing where the beds are now
